Developing and Providing a voice for Ireland’s Churches to connect through a common belief in Christ
To be a benchmark for unity in Christ for Churches and Communities Globally
The goal and grounding of all that we do is our shared faith in Jesus Christ; we seek to be faithful to God and committed to our journey together:
Willing to be opened and changed by God as we connect with each other and meet together in the Lord; Experiencing God’s holiness as we spend time together in prayer and seeking to be reconciled in Christ;
Respecting and seeking to understand each other’s beliefs; we are aware of our diversity while recognising the presence of Christ in each other as we seek to understand the fulness of God’s revelation for the world;
Hoping in Christ and living in the power of the Holy Spirit sustaining us and fuelling our courage; We are courageous in our vision and mission having the strength together to fulfil our reason to be;
Witnessing to God’s kingdom of justice, peace and reconciliation through word and action; and to our common discipleship in the way we live and work together; and also as we listen to the world in which we live and serve.