In partnership with Kettle of Fish productions, Jethro Centre would like to invite you to: An afternoon/evening event on 19th Sept. 3pm until 9pm: The Launch of a film ‘Let’s Talk’.
An afternoon/evening event on 19th Sept. 3pm until 9pm:
The Launch of a film ‘Let’s Talk’.
Our launch will provide an opportunity as well as a safe space to explore together, how we can in the midst of a political vacuum in NI, address the issue of ‘Building a healthy social democracy’ .
The event is open to those from all sectors in our society who would like to explore this theme further. Registration by 29th August is necessary.
Our guest speaker will be Prof Pete Shirlow from Dept of Irish Studies Liverpool University.
Pete is well known for his passion around having conversations together and has hosted many conversations around this theme.
Registration to [email protected]
Or text by mobile 07779597647
Refreshments will be served and for those who wish to talk together after the event a meal will be served at 8pm.