Unfortunately we have had to postpone this event due to the COVID–19 virus. We intend to arranged it for a date later in the year. A day conference exploring how the Churches of Sanctuary movement can help churches welcome and support refugees, asylum seekers, and all newcomers who have come to us from other countries fleeing violence and persecution
Unfortunately we have had to postpone this event due to the COVID–19 virus. We intend to arranged it for a date later in the year.
What can we in my church do to welcome and support refugees, asylum seekers, and all newcomers who have come to us from other countries fleeing violence and persecution?
How can we make our church a place of sanctuary and welcome, where people can be at home even if their original home was far away?
How can we show solidarity with the people in the direct provision or emergency accommodation centre near our church?
If you are asking yourselves these questions in your church then join us for a conference on Churches of Sanctuary organised by the Irish Council of Churches and the Irish Inter–Church Meeting.
Sanctuary is a long–standing prophetic theme of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and the idea of a Church of Sanctuary has evolved from the City of Sanctuary movement — building cultures of welcome, hospitality and safety.
The conference will take place on the 25th April from 10.30 – 16:30 in Dublin Central Mission, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1 and will feature input from Rev Inderjit Bhogal, the founder of Churches of Sanctuary, Dr Jayme Reaves on the place and meaning of hospitality in Christian community, and representatives from existing churches of sanctuary on how they have benefited from connecting with the movement.
10.30 Arrivals and refreshments
11.00 Welcome and worship
11.15 Housekeeping and aims for the day
11.25 Stories of what is already happening
12.15 Biblical roots of sanctuary (Dr Jayme Reaves)
12.45 Lunch
13.30 What does a church of sanctuary look like? (Inderjit Bhogal)
14.00 What can churches do?
14.30 Group discussion with practical ideas to share and take away
15.30 Q&A with presenters
16.30 Closing prayer