The next Moderator of the Presbyterian Church will be Rev Michael Barry (63), minister of Sandys Street Presbyterian Church in Newry.
Dr Barry was elected in a second round of voting by members of the nineteen presbyteries making up the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, who voted for their choice at individual presbytery meetings taking place all around Ireland yesterday evening. He will take up office on 2nd June in succession to Dr Rob Craig who continues as Moderator until that time.
Commenting on his election, Dr Barry said,
“I am very surprised but pleased that the Presbyterian Church has put its confidence in me and seen fit to give me the honour of serving as Moderator. I look forward to encouraging the Church and its people in their ministry as I have the opportunity to travel around Ireland and visit congregations and meet people engaged in ministry and mission.”
Rev Barry (63) has been minister of the Sandys Street Presbyterian Church for 28 years. In 1982 he was ordained as assistant minister in First Larne Presbyterian Church and was installed as minister of the Sandys Street congregation in 1985 where he serves today. In 1997 he was awarded a Doctorate in Ministry from Covenant Theological Seminary in St Louis, USA.
A former schoolteacher, he still sees himself as a teacher enjoying conducting worship, preaching Sunday by Sunday and talking to people about faith in the more informal settings of pastoral visitation or in wider community life.
In his wider ministry Dr Barry is currently chaplain to Daisy Hill Hospital and has served as a member and chair of various school boards of governors. He has taken a particular interest in Rathore School in Newry for children with special needs where he often shares in school assembly.
He enjoys singing and will occasionally join with the church choir or a men’s singing group within the congregation.
Dr Barry is married to Esther and has two daughters, both of whom have followed their father into teaching, and are currently living in England.