New ICC President Encourages Christians to Walk Confidently and Joyfully Towards a Future Determined for us by Jesus
At the AGM of the Irish Council of Churches (ICC), held today at Arklow Presbyterian Church, Rev Dr. Donald Watts, Clerk of the Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, was elected as President of the Council. This position constitutes the most senior ecumenical role in Ireland.
Speaking at his installation, Rev. Watts encouraged the churches to be forward looking and confident in their life and ministry. He evoked the words of Queen Elizabeth II during this historic week, in which she insisted that citizens of Britain and Ireland ‘no longer allow our past to ensnare our future’. Suggesting that the churches in Ireland also take up this theme, that they cannot and must not be held by the past, Rev Watts suggested that ‘we as Christian people must be determined by the future, a future that Jesus has created for us, not one we have inherited from others.’ He encouraged those present to ‘walk confidently and joyfully towards a future determined for us by Jesus’ death and resurrection.’
Rev Watts also spoke of his pleasure at the Annual Meeting being held in the Republic of Ireland. He pointed to an emerging trend of differences not only between the Christian traditions, but also within the denominations, north and south of the border, and outlined a vision for his presidency, whereby the ICC as an organisation works toward ensuring that these divisions are overcome.
Based on the theme of Theology of the Remnant, Frances Young, Emeritus Edward Cadbury Professor of Theology at Birmingham University, gave the keynote address at the meeting, entitled, ‘From Holy Remnant to Exile and Aliens’. President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, Dr. Heather Morris, in her role as responder, urged churches to echo the character of God in the world, as ‘the very concept of remnant points beyond itself to something greater’. Delegates then divided into groups to discuss how they might transfer the knowledge and insight gained from today’s session into their own mission and ministry.
Rev. Watts will hold the presidency until 2016, at which time Rt Rev John McDowell, Church of Ireland Bishop of Clogher, and current ICC Vice–President, will assume the role.