‘It’s About Europe, It’s About You’
A call from Christian organisations in Europe
‘Pray for kings and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility, so that we can live in peace and quietness’
Timothy 2:1–3
This week, elections for the European Parliament will take place. These elections will take place on Thursday 22nd May in Northern Ireland and Friday 23rd May in the Republic of Ireland. Representatives from the 28 Member States of the European Union will be elected to decide the policies of the EU for the next five years. Due to changes in EU law, the next European Parliament will have stronger legislative powers than before. As a result, the opportunity for voters to influence EU policy has never been greater.
This election is an opportunity to voice our visions and aspirations for the future.
We, as a group of churches and Christian NGOs, aspire towards:
- A European Union based on the combination of a social market economy and high levels of social standards and protection
- A European Union which always stands up for and protects Human Rights
- A European Union that cares for God’s creation, effectively addressing climate change and implementing effective environmental policies
- A European Union that works on the eradication of poverty in a globalised world
- A European Union of values which upholds and cherishes diversity, caring for its most vulnerable people
- A European Union that welcomes migrants and refugees
We hope that you will use your vote in the EP election to elect a Parliament that will share our visions. Your vote matters. Use it to create a fairer Europe that promotes peace and justice for all.
Further information is available at www.ecumenicalvoices2014.eu
The official European Parliament website can be accessed at www.elections2014.eu
This information has been provided by the Conference of European Churches, the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe, Aprodev and Eurodiaconia.