Irish Council of Churches. Irish Inter-Church Meeting

Juneteenth: Discovery Gospel Choir & Christian Aid

Christian Aid





Discovery Gospel Choir and Christian Aid Ireland to honour the 150th anniversary of Juneteenth

Discovery Gospel Choir in partnership with Christian Aid presents: Juneteenth: 150 Years of Freedom – a series of concerts to celebrate the ending of slavery in the United States.

A story of one day of liberation in Galveston, Texas, 150 years ago… A story of the best and worst of being human… A story of the pain and loss of the birth of the modern world… A story that isn’t over!

Discovery Gospel Choir in partnership with international development agency, Christian Aid, will mark this momentous event with a host of performances in Dublin, Belfast, Downpatrick and Waterford from June 6th – 19th.

Echoing diverse aspects of the trans–Atlantic slave trade through music, dance and story–telling, this new show aims to inspire audiences to reflect upon present–day slavery and current systems of injustice happening around the world.

True to the choir’s motto, “Discover beauty in everyone”, Juneteenth: 150 Years of Freedom has been shaped by drawing on the diverse skills within the Dublin–based choral group, in consultation with Dr. William Mulligan – senior lecturer of History at UCD and co–editor of “A Global History of Anti–Slavery Politics in the Nineteenth Century”.

This all–embracing show is a true expression of unity and a celebration of freedom, bringing to the table a mix of drama, dance, poetry and music to soothe the soul.

Juneteenth: 150 Years of Freedom runs from June 6th–19th 2015. Admission from just €18–€15 (£12) standard and €12 (£10) concession. Tickets available online via and from the venues.

  • Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford – Saturday, June 6th @ 7pm
  • Fisherwick Presbyterian Church, Belfast – Saturday, June 13th @ 8pm
  • Down Cathedral, Downpatrick – Sunday, June 14th @ 3.30pm
  • Button Factory, Dublin – Saturday, June 19th @ 8pm

For over a decade, Discovery Gospel Choir has thrilled audiences through its inspiring ethos: Discover beauty in everyone. This intercultural group’s unique choral fusion of world music with African, American and European gospel has brought about collaborations with acclaimed artists such as Blind Boys of Alabama, Sinéad O’Connor, Kíla, and Stevie Wonder. Fresh, dynamic and colourful, this exceptional ensemble of Dublin–based singers and musicians is a true gem of Ireland’s music scene.

Christian Aid is an international development agency which works with local partners in around 40 countries worldwide. It is owned by seven Irish churches and the Irish Council of Churches. Christian Aid believes that everyone, regardless of faith or race, is entitled to live a full life, free from poverty.

For Juneteenth: 150 Years of Freedom updates, visit Discovery Gospel Choir on Facebook and Twitter.
