Creation Time 2015 | 1st September – 4th October
Churches and faith communities throughout Ireland are encouraged to join Christians throughout the world in celebrating Creation Time from 1st September to 4th October (the Feast of St Francis).
There are many ways to observe Creation Time, including holding a climate justice service and organising environmental events e.g. a litter pick, a nature walk or inviting a speaker to speak on an environmental theme.
Creation Time, which is celebrated every year by churches throughout the world, is a great opportunity for Christians to reflect on the wonder and mystery of Creation and to choose better ways to relate to Creation, ways that reflect God’s ways of justice and peace.
The Creation Time focus this year follows the World Council of Churches’ theme, Joining the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, in anticipation of the important UN climate talks, known as COP21, that will take place in Paris in early December.
Eco–Congregation Ireland has prepared intercessory prayers to help all faith communities to focus on Creation as well as a ready–made service of prayer and reflection.
The World Council of Churches also has links to some useful resources, which can be accessed here.
All these resources are aimed at preparing and equipping parishes and faith communities to respond appropriately to the COP21 gathering, which will see leaders and representatives of more than 190 countries meet together to try to agree measures necessary to avoid damaging changes to the planet and its inhabitants, including a possibly catastrophic 2°C rise in global temperatures.
The material, which includes liturgy, prayers, sermon notes and suggested hymns, follows the Revised Common Lectionary readings for September, with a particular emphasis on the Gospel readings, which feature Jesus journeying on the road.
Eco–Congregation hopes that these resources will encourage Christians in Ireland to incorporate eco–friendly habits into their lives – as churches, communities and as individuals – as they come to terms with the reality of climate change and the urgent need for climate justice – for the sake in particular of the world’s poor, of the whole of Creation and of future generations.
A brief history of the origins of Creation Time is available here.