ICC President takes part in Christian Aid Prayer for Peace event
Senior church leaders joined Christian Aid and representatives from Trócaire to launch a 24 hour prayer event on United Nations International Day of Peace.
The Christian Aid prayer room was open for 24 hours from midnight on 20th September to midnight on 21st September. People were encouraged to come and pray for those affected by conflict around the world in places such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Colombia.
Representatives from the Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist Churches as well as the Irish Council of Churches prayed together at the launch of the Prayer for Peace event, for those fleeing conflict in Syria.
In addition to offering prayers participants are given the opportunity to turn prayer into action by writing to their local MPs calling on the UK government to accept a fair share of refugees and by giving to Christian Aid’s Refugee Crisis Appeal.
‘People have been shocked and moved by recent images of refugees taking perilous journeys in order to flee conflict in Syria and elsewhere. On this International Day of Peace we wanted to give people a way of responding through their prayers, actions and giving,’ said Rosamond Bennett, CEO of Christian Aid.
‘Christian Aid knows from our experience working in over 40 countries, that conflict and violence has a devastating impact on families and communities and can set back decades of development progress, as an organisation, which is seeking to end poverty, tackling violence and building peace is a key priority.’
Rev Dr Donald Watts, President of the Irish Council of Churches, said ‘We were very pleased to take part in the launch of Christian Aid’s prayer event. As churches we believe we are called to be peacemakers and to pray and work for peace in this world. Recent events and news coverage of the crisis in Syria and the images of refugees has reminded us that we cannot become complacent about this, but must continue the difficult search for peace.’