Bible Reading Marathon in Raphoe (20th–24th March)
The parishioners of St. Eunan’s Church of Ireland Cathedral in Raphoe are inviting members of the public to join them during Holy Week for a four–day (and four–night!) long, round–the–clock Bible Reading Marathon. The event is being organised as part of the Parish’s contribution to the Derry and Raphoe diocesan Year of Opportunity 2016.
The Bible will be read aloud, in full, non–stop, from beginning to end, in the historic setting of St Eunan’s Church of Ireland Cathedral in Raphoe. The Dean of Raphoe, the Very Rev. Arthur Barrett, says it is an event for the whole community and an opportunity for everyone to join together in reading God’s Word.
“The Bible Reading Marathon will be a significant event during the Diocesan Year of Opportunity 2016,” Dean Barrett says. ”Our desire is to encourage and welcome as many people as possible from across the whole community to share in our unity of God’s Word. People will be more than welcome to come and read the Bible – at any time of the day or night – or just to listen to the Bible being read, and to enjoy the atmosphere of our ancient cathedral church.”
Everyone is invited to come and read from the Bible in 30–minute sessions between 8 pm on Palm Sunday, 20th March, and 8 pm on Maundy Thursday, 24th March. “You may wish to read for longer,” the Dean suggests, “or to read on more than one occasion. There are 192 half–hour sections to choose from. You might like to choose a time that suits you, or a favourite Bible passage; we can advise you on what day and at what time it is due to be read. This is an open invitation to anyone who would like to come.”
To take part in the Bible Reading Marathon and book your time, please contact Dean Barrett – preferably by emailing [email protected] – or by texting 085 8833856.
The Derry and Raphoe Diocese has designated 2016 a Year of Opportunity, during which parishes will be focusing on mission, generosity and children.