The annual Internationally observed Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place from 18–25 January. This octave of prayer is co–ordinated between the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian Unity.
Each year a different region is invited to prepare the material for use around the world. For 2017 the material has been prepared by the churches in Germany and focusses on the 500th anniversary of the German Reformation.
The text for 2017 is based on 2 Corinthians 5:14–20 ‘Reconciliation: the love of Christ compels us’. This has been adapted for local use in Britain and Ireland by CTBI with study material and Order of Service under the title ‘Crossing Barriers’. The material can be ordered in hard copy or downloaded online from the CTBI website.
Local churches are invited to tweet photographs of their services using #wpcu2017 and #wpcuwall