A Global Peace Prayer on 22 March will draw Christians together into prayer and advocacy for peace, and in hope for a better future.
A communique from a prayer planning committee explained that Christians are called into prayer and advocacy for peace. “In a global context where war and violence abound, the practice of peace has become even more urgent,” reads the message.
The message also notes that the war in Ukraine has entered its second year while, simultaneously, escalating violence in Palestine, continuing military exercises threatening peace on the Korean Peninsula, state violence in Myanmar, a fragile situation in Ethiopia, and war in several other parts of the world threaten peace.
Last year, the Conference of European Churches, Baptist World Alliance, Lutheran World Federation, Mennonite World Conference, World Methodist Council, and World Communion of Reformed Churches organized an online global peace prayer attended by more than 5,000 people from 150 countries.
This year, these Christian world communions, along with the World Council of Churches, will be organizing a Global Peace Prayer on 22 March.
When: 22 March 2023, 3 pm CET
Where: Online, please register here