Irish Council of Churches. Irish Inter-Church Meeting

ICC President welcomes announcement of Monsignor Eamon Martin as Coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh

Irish Council of Churches






Statement from Rev Fr Godfrey O’Donnell, President, Irish Council of Churches and Co–Chair Irish Inter Church Meeting

I am delighted to hear the news of the appointment of Monsignor Eamon Martin as Coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh. I offer him my warm congratulations and not least because we hail from the same city.

It is fitting that this appointment is announced on the first day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We in the Council have enjoyed working closely with Mgr Martin while he served as Executive Secretary to the Irish Episcopal Conference and we look forward to working with him now further in this new role as together we take part in the ecumenical adventure of the Lord in Ireland.

There is still much that needs to be done to address the divisions and hurt in our society and we warmly acknowledge that Mgr Martin seeks to develop dialogue further as we work for the common good for our Society.

I wish him every blessing in the the ministry that lies before him.

Rev Fr Godfrey O’Donnell
President, Irish Council of Churches 2012–2014
