This year churches are encouraged to focus on Sierra Leone and themes of gender, power and inclusion.
Sierra Leone is the world’s most dangerous place to become a mum. Every day 10 women die from giving birth.
Christian Aid’s partner RADA (Rehabilitation and Development Agency) has been working locally to help vulnerable women access healthcare, improve hygiene with simple interventions like hand–washing and are hoping to build a bigger, better health care centre. They have began working to ensure that mums and babies have fullness of life.
This Christian Aid Week come together as a church and find out more about the work being done in this area and what your church can do to help.
Resources include:
Prayer Stations
All–age talk and activity sheet
Order of service
Sermons – Sermon ideas include Exodus 1:15–22. This is the lesser known and radical story of Shiprah and Puah that precedes the birth of Moses and is a wonderful example of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience in supporting mothers and babies.
For more information and other ways to get involved, visit https://www.christianaid.ie/christian-aid-week